GREENVILLE—Rumpke Waste Incorporated will provide Fall Clean Up service for the residents of the City of Greenville during their scheduled pick up day of the week of October 10 through October 14, 2022. (This is for large items only – no bags)
The following items WILL be accepted for removal: (Limit of five large items)
Push type lawn mower (60 lb. limit), refrigerator with freon removed by a technician, water heater, stove, washer, dryer, bed springs or mattress, furniture, lawn furniture, bicycles, television set, stereo equipment, microwave ovens, computer monitors, carpet cut & tied in no more than four foot lengths, construction debris tied in no more than four foot lengths, branches – bundled and tied in no more than 4 x 2 foot lengths (must have a yard waste sticker attached).
The following items WILL NOT be accepted for removal:
Fence roll, 50 to 65 gallon drums, hazardous waste, liquids, asbestos, gas propane bottles, tires or yard waste without stickers.
This article was written by someone else and submitted to Darke County Now for publication.
WANTED FOR: Larceny/Theft LAST KNOWN: 498 Beamsville-Union City Road, Union City, Ohio DOB: 03-22-1980 HEIGHT: 6’3” WEIGHT: 240 HAIR COLOR: Brown EYE COLOR: Blue TATTOOS: Unknown
WANTED FOR: Larceny/Theft LAST KNOWN: 6625 E 800 North, Union City, Indiana DOB: 09-30-1991 HEIGHT: 5’10” WEIGHT: 235 HAIR COLOR: Brown EYE COLOR: Blue TATTOOS: Right Upper Arm: Dog Standing on Tree with “Hillbilly” Right Forearm Inside: BROCK vertically on his arm with “Baylee” on top and “Emma” on the bottom of the tattoo
News, Media and Information for Darke County, Ohio.
News, Media, and Information for Darke County, Ohio.