The official Government and Legal notices for today [May 18] include list of proposed planning applications advertised and Bermudian status.
Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Minister of Economy and Labour, by the following person[s] for the grant of Bermudian status under the provisions of section 19A of the Bermuda Immigration and Protection Act, 1956, [viz: has been married to the same Bermudian for ten [10] continuous years, during that marriage has been ordinarily resident in Bermuda for seven [7] years, the last two [2] years of which must be continuous to the date of application; has been living together with his/her Bermudian spouse as husband and wife continuously for the two [2] years immediately preceding his/her application; and is of good character and conduct.]
Willmott, Justin Simon, Lemon Grove Road, Hamilton Parish, CR 01
N.B. Any person who knows if any of the above provisions have not been fulfilled, or why Bermudian status should not be granted to the applicant[s], should send a written statement to the Chief Immigration Officer, Department of Immigration, P.O. Box HM 1364, Hamilton HMFX, no later than 2nd June, 2022.
Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Minister of Economy and Labour, by the following person[s] for the grant of Bermudian status under the provisions of section 19 of the Bermuda Immigration and Protection Act, 1956, [viz: are at least eighteen years old; have been ordinarily resident in Bermuda for a period of at least ten [10] years preceding his application; have a qualifying Bermuda Connection and is of good character and conduct.]
Mcmanus, Alexander James, 6 Hexham Drive, Hamilton Parish HS 02
Barnes, Rachel Leanna, Apt 9B, 9 Zuill’s Park Road, Smith’s FL 06
Watson, Elizabeth Jane, 22 Hamptons Lane, Southampton SN 02
Bibbings, Meredith Erin, 7 Mount Wyndham Drive, Unit #31, Hamilton Parish CR 04
Jackson, Nicole Mahalia, 13 Chaingate Hill, Apartment 4, Devonshire, FL 01
Tomaz, Eva Carolina Cabral, 7 Brighton Lane, Apartment 4, Devonshire DV 08
N.B. Any person who knows if any of the above provisions have not been fulfilled, or why Bermudian status should not be granted to the applicant[s], should send a written statement to the Chief Immigration Officer, Department of Immigration, P.O. Box HM 1364, Hamilton HMFX, no later than 2nd June, 2022.
List of Proposed Planning Applications Advertised on May 18, 2022
Listing Of Plan Applications Registered [For Advertisement]
Applications Advertised on May 18, 2022. This list was printed on May 18, 2022.
Objections to applications must be received within 14 days of the date advertised [June 01, 2022]
The applications shown below are available for review on the EnerGov Customer Self Service Portal
[], or during normal working hours at the
Department of Planning, 5th Floor, Dame Lois Browne Evans Building, 58 Court Street, Hamilton HM 12.
Letters of objection should state any interest which the objector[s] may have in property nearby, supply an address
at which notice may be served on the objector[s], and provide a concise statement of the grounds of the objection.
For further information on the objection procedure see the Development and Planning [Applications Procedure] Rules
P0154‑22 Najee & Nicola Woods 6 Keith Hall Road Warwick WK06 Proposed Alterations and Additions to Include New Dwelling Unit [2 Units], Second Storey Addition to Existing House, Pool & Deck, Backwash Pit, Garage and Entrance Addition, Revise Driveway and Parking, New Pathway, Pit, Steps, 4 ft. Max Depth Rock Cut and Trash Storage. [Final Approval]
P0059‑22 Ian Adderley 8 Appleby Lane Paget PG05 Proposed Installation of Roof Mounted Solar PV System: 22 Panels; 471.24 sq. ft. Coverage; 9.57kW System. [Final Approval]
P0155‑22 Department of Public Lands & Buildings 2 Marsh Folly Road Pembroke HM13 Proposed Extension of Existing Storage and Transformer Building to Create New Pump Room, New Concrete Slab and Installation of New 2,500 Gallon Pre‑Fabricated above Ground Potable Water Storage Tank and Installation of 6 ft. High Chain Link Fence Around Tank. [Final Approval]
P0168‑22 Steve Cristofoli 62 St. John’s Road Pembroke HM07 New 2,395 sq. ft. Covered Area for unloading Space between Lumber Rack and Lumber Warehouse. [Final Approval]
P0189‑22 Deborah Ann Hollis 6 Lismore Lane Pembroke HM09 Proposed 6 ft. High Fence with Privacy Mesh. [Final Approval]
P0176‑22 Leon Bascome 47 Elliott Street City of Hamilton HM17 Proposed 1 Bedroom Addition to Convert Existing Studio Unit to a 1 Bedroom Unit, New Covered Porch with Steps, 4 ft. High Boundary Wall with 2 ft. High Wood Fence on Top [Total 6 ft. Height], New 6 ft. High Wood Gate and Wood Pergola. [Final Approval]
S0012‑22 Evan Outerbridge 3 Bayside Lane Hamilton CR03 Proposed Boundary Adjustment [between Vacant Lot North of #3 Bayside Lane], Abandon a Portion of Right of Way and Create a 3.66m wide. Right of Way. [Final Approval]
P0197‑22 David Mallon 39 Harrington Sound Road Hamilton CR04 Demolition of an Existing Accessory Structure and Rebuild a New Two Level Structure to Function as a Gym and Guest Room. [Final Approval]
P0160‑22 Kevin Minors 23 Trinity Church Road Hamilton CR04 Proposed Internal Alterations to Existing Dwelling, New 9 ft. High Retaining Wall with 2 ft. High Planter and 3 ft. High PVC Railing and Proposed External Walkway along existing Right of Way. [Final Approval]
Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Minister of Economy and Labour by the following person[s] for the grant of Bermudian status under the provisions of section 19A of the Bermuda Immigration and Protection Act, 1956, [viz: has been married to the same Bermudian for ten [10] continuous years, during that marriage has been ordinarily resident in Bermuda for seven [7] years, the last two [2] years of which must be continuous to the date of application; has been living together with his/her Bermudian spouse as husband and wife continuously for the two [2] years immediately preceding his/her application; and is of good character and conduct.]
Francis, Floyd St Patrick, 1 White Hill View, Sandys SB 03
Munoz-Pitcher, Donna Marie, 77 St. David’s Road, St. George’s DD 01
N.B. Any person who knows if any of the above provisions have not been fulfilled, or why Bermudian status should not be granted to the applicants, should send a written statement to the Chief Immigration Officer, P.O. Box 1364, Hamilton HMFX, no later than 2 June, 2022.
Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Minister of Economy and Labour, by the following person for the grant of Bermudian status under the provisions of section 19 of the Bermuda Immigration and Protection Act, 1956, [viz: are at least eighteen years old; have been ordinarily resident in Bermuda for a period of at least ten [10] years preceding his application; have a qualifying Bermudian connection and is of good character and conduct.]
Campbell, Aldo Rashford, 5 Junction Lane, Devonshire DV 01
Pacheco Chibante, Michael Joseph, “Garden Cottage”, 3 Sommersall Lane, Smiths HS 01
Pereira Correia, Nicolas Duarte, 114 Ratteray Lane, Sandys MA 06
Sousa, Rebecca Ann, 44 North Shore Road, Pembroke HM 07
N.B. Any person who knows if any of the above provisions have not been fulfilled, or why Bermudian status should not be granted to the applicants, should send a written statement to the Chief Immigration Officer, P.O. Box 1364, Hamilton HMFX, no later than 2 June, 2022.
The official notices above have been republished from the relevant section on the official Government website. If you wish to view ‘hard copies’, the Department of Libraries & Archives prints them and you can visit the main library on Queen Street or the Government Archives in the Government Administration Building on Parliament Street to view them.
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