The decision comes amid accumulating warnings from scientists that human-caused climate change is increasing the likelihood of more severe floods, droughts, storms and other calamities in the coming decades.
American Electric Power’s John Amos coal-fired plant in Winfield, W.Va., is s
Are We Wrong About These Players?
Covering the
HEIHE, China — On the bank of the Amur River across from Russia, Wang Xuzhen sat scrubbing some shoes on a sunny afternoon.
Wang, 67, has lived for decades within sight of Russia here on China’s northeastern fringe, but she has never felt moved to take the short ferry ride to see Bla
by Hannah Dobson and Ben Haworth 4 months ago 24
What is it with March? It seems like it’s someone’s birthday every day. Well, obviously it is someone’s birthday every day, every day. But you know what I mean. Don’t you? Maybe it’s just me [Benji]. Can everyone stop having b
The market for modified Sportsters is crowded. Most builders of repute in the USA know their way around the venerable platform, and the array of aftermarket parts is dizzyingly large. It takes something very special to stand out—like this custom-framed, limited production special fro
EAST GRAND FORKS – City Council members rejected all bids received for street reconstruction and utility improvements on Fifth Avenue Northwest and 20th Street Northwest after receiving feedback from residents that the special assessments from the project are too expensive.
The scope o
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Lawanda Serna sighed frost
Healthy Archuleta, a local non-profit in Archuleta County also known as the FSFE – Food Coalition, continues to celebrate the local food heroes that make up the food system in Archuleta County and the surrounding southwest region. These individuals uniquely contribute to the community�
Rosendin’s Athos I and Athos II solar projects are near Palm Springs, Calif. Photo courtesy of Rosendin
A massive solar project spanning five square miles is being constructed in the desert near Palm Springs, Calif. Once complete, the combined 450-MW Athos I and Athos II solar install
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