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MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Radford Road and South Highland Street is a busy intersection with sharp curves, and now residents in the Sherwood Forest area are concerned for their safety after a car went airborne and crashed into a home in the neighborhood.
According to Memphis resident Debra King, you can hear the cars before you see them.
“It’s going to be a death trap,” King said.
Neighbors said Saturday, a car came around the curve, lost control, went airborne over a fence and hit a home, and the homeowner came close to her worst nightmare .
The woman who lives in the home said her son was in the room where the car hit. Luckily, the car did not go all the way through the home, and no one in the home was injured.
“This is not the first time it’s happened. It’s happened multiple times,” said King.
She saw the accident from her window. King has lived in the Sherwood Forest neighborhood for 26 years, and she said cars have crashed into homes there in the past. One time, a car drove on her lawn.
“People drive going through this yield. A lot of them don’t stop. They just keep on going. They speed down here. We’re scared it’s going to be a head on collision,” said King. “Last night around 11 p.m. or something, there was a van had hit the pole right there.”
The woman whose home was hit said since she moved to the area at the beginning of the year, she has witnessed at least three accidents. She said the median in the middle of the intersection used to have a yield sign, but that was knocked down in a separate accident.
“They go down here like an interstate. Then, going around that curb. I mean they drive fast,” said King. “We would like speed bumps. Something needs to be done because it’s getting dangerous…It always has been, but they just won’t doing anything about it.”
With the family spared by fate, something must be done.
We reached out to Memphis Police Department to check on the driver’s condition. We will continue to provide updates on this story.
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