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SAN ANTONIO — A business that hoofed it down to San Antonio from central Texas had a bit of a shock this week when part of the electric fence they use to herd their goats was stolen.
Out at Brackenridge Park 160 goats are drawing a lot of attention.
"We usually draw a crowd everywhere we go. We have a lot of families that like to come out, it's great for kids." Said Kyle Carr, Owner of Rent-A-Ruminant, Texas.
Based in Brownwood Texas, over 100 miles away from San Antonio, they offer services all over the state bringing out goats to clear out brushy areas – the natural way.
"We're doing a total of about 6.8 acres, and we'll probably be here 'til the end of May.” Carr said. “It may be around Memorial weekend."
As eye-catching as this flock can be it was the technology that apparently caught the eye of a thief.
"Unfortunately, we did have an issue where a piece of our equipment was taken. So, in response to that we've upped the police in the area."
The item in question: a device to charge the electric fence keeping the goats penned in. Carr says the item was not cheap, but it wouldn't be valuable to anyone outside of his business. He says it wouldn't even sell for much at a pawn shop.
"It can't really be used for anything else, so it was unusual that that would be the item that they would take."
But there is no slowing down for these goats. Carr and his one employee, which happens to be his Dad, stay with the goats 24-7 and had a new energizer up in a matter of minutes.
"The goats have been trained to not approach it, but it is back on, up and running and I have absolutely no issues."
The Brackenridge Park Conservancy put out a statement regarding the incident saying:
"The electronic fence was down for a short time but we have worked with Park Police and San Antonio Parks and Recreation Department to ensure that the goats are safe. The owners of the goat herd with Rent-A-Ruminant Texas are with the animals 24/7. There is an electric fence which has been reinforced. We look forward to the community for coming out while staying respectful to the park and animals."
Carr says the fence is perfectly safe to touch, with just enough of a shock to scare any animals away.
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