A few clouds. Low 56F. Winds light and variable..
A few clouds. Low 56F. Winds light and variable.
Rowlesburg Mayor Eric Bautista (second from left) accepts an award of ARPA funds on behalf of the town from county commissioners Dave Price, Samantha Stone and Don Smith.
Glenn Larew (second from left) accepts the stimulus grant funds award from Preston County commissioners for the Preston County Youth Center.
Rowlesburg Mayor Eric Bautista (second from left) accepts an award of ARPA funds on behalf of the town from county commissioners Dave Price, Samantha Stone and Don Smith.
Glenn Larew (second from left) accepts the stimulus grant funds award from Preston County commissioners for the Preston County Youth Center.
KINGWOOD — Two more projects received their American Rescue Plan Act awards from the Preston County Commission recently.
The town of Rowlesburg received $500,000 to help with a sewer project, and the Preston County Youth Center received $236,058 to complete the building.
Rowlesburg is restricted by the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection from adding new sewer customers without state permission until its sewer problems are addressed. The town recently signed a contract to begin the first phase of the project.
“The sewer system is dilapidated, has needed repairs for a long time. Like most other towns in the county, in the country, small towns don’t have much money,” Rowlesburg Mayor Eric Bautista said, as he accepted the award last week.
“So this is a tremendous shot in the arm for our sewer system in the small town of Rowlesburg.”
He thanked commissioners on behalf of the town.
Glenn Larew accepted on behalf of the youth center. He said the money will allow the nonprofit to finish the second floor of the center, including a fire wall, kitchen, and netting and a slide for children to go from the upper deck to the lower one.
The commission has been giving out ARPA funds for several weeks, and County Administrator Joe Hauger said it appears the first project that will be completed with the funds will be at the Preston County Workshop.
The workshop received $85,200 to expand its processing facility and to build a fence around land on the farm, so that it can expand its vegetable production without intrusion by deer. The full project cost is $150,200, and $65,000 is being provided by the West Virginia University J.W. Ruby Research Farm at Reedsville.
“I was out to the site where they’re building a fence on the WVU Farm where it borders Route 92, and I just wish that my fence went up that quickly on my farm,” Commission President Samantha Stone said. “It’s amazing. They started in like two days … It’s a very high fence that will keep the deer out.”
— approved the use of the courthouse lawn 4 p.m. Oct. 22 by the West Virginia Sound Foundry, which will perform a concert as a fundraiser for the Preston County Deputy Sheriff’s Association’s Christmas project. Donations will be accepted.
met in executive session with Sheriff Paul “Moe” Pritt on a personnel matter.
received one bid for landscaping around county buildings but did not accept it. Commissioners said they wanted to look at the areas where work is planned and compare what they want with the bid. Shrubbery is not cheap, Commissioner Don Smith said.
accepted bids totaling about $5,200 from Surveyor and Associates of Kingwood to do surveying on property it owns at the county farm.
approved the list of poll workers for the November general election.
Editor Kathy Plum may be reached at 304-290-4805 or at kplum@prestonnj.com.
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